Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Sound in the background

Right now it's pitch black outside, the only light in the apartment is my computer and the hoard of lit candles on the table. Tomorrow I have a deadline for a blog- assignment. It may sound like the perfect assignment, I love to read blogs but the thing is... blogs about business theory, analysis and figures can give a slight Zzzzz-effect, which fashion never gives... oddly enough^^haha oh well, I have just reloaded my mug with some coffee and turned on my favourite study- playlist above, wish me luck and enjoy, x S.


  1. Hi Sara! I just nominated you for the Liebster Award! Check my blog at http://globetrotteralamode.blogspot.it to find out more! :)

    Take care!

    Ely xx

  2. Ja, riktigt riktigt bra dedär!
    Såg du när hon var med i talang?:)
